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Capstone project - Blockchain


You have completed four courses of Blockchain Developer Program. Having started with Blockchain Basics course, you are provided with a foundation of knowledge about blockchain technology. You have been learning and practicing developing a smart contract, decentralized applications to interact with smart contracts. Through out the courses, you also explored two case studies from Akachain and Tomochain, which are typical blockchain platforms providing practical and suitable solutions to the market.

Hope you enjoyed learning the four courses and find yourself ready for this capstone project. In which, you must develop an application to price a product using blockchain technology. Besides programming, you also have chances to practice some standard skills in software development such as requirement analysis, product design, product testing by fulfilling the corresponding documents. 


  • Course name: Capstone Project - Blockchain Developer
  • Course code: BDP305x
  • Course credits: 5 (75 academic hours)
  • Time allocation: 
      • Documentation: 40 hours
      • Coding: 70 hours


  • Analyze and design a blockchain project
  • Develop, deploy and test a blockchain project


Guide 1: Project Overview  

  • Project Overview

Guide 2: Project Details and Instructions 

  • Project Specification
  • Project Guides - Overall
  • Project Guides – Development

Guide 3: Project Sample       

  • Software Requirement Specification Sample
  • Software Basic Design Sample
  • Project Code Sample
  • Test Case sample

Guide 4: Project Submission Guide         

  • Project Submission Guide

Guide 5: Submission of Software Requirement Specification      

  • Rubric for Software Requirement Specification
  • Submission of Software Requirement Specification
  • Compose Software Requirement Specification

Guide 6: Submission of Software Design Docs

  • Rubric for Software Design Docs
  • Submission of Software Design Docs
  • Compose Software Design

Guide 7: Submission of Product Test Case      

  • Rubric for Test Case
  • Submission of Product Test Case
  • Compose Software Test Case

Guide 8: Submission of Product    

  • Project Rubric
  • Submission of Project Source Code
  • Develop Project Software

Guide 9: Project Defense      

  • Full Submission of Project
  • Registration for Project Defense
  • Project Defense Guide


To attain best result from the course, you should prepare:

  • A development environment for programming smart contracts, working with Truffle IDE, MetaMask
  • An appropriate tool for editing HTML/CSS/JavaScripts  for the front end part (Visual Studio Code)
  • Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Visio



Vu Hong Viet

  • More than 20 years working in software and solution development (company: CSC, FPT)
  • Blockchain Researcher
  • Speciallist in Intelligent Transportation Systems domain
  • FPT’s Technology Specialist
  • Profile online:

Nguyen Đuc Minh Quan
  • FPT Information System – Solution Manager.
  • 10 years working in software and solution development.
  • Blockchain Researcher
  • 7 years R&D and deploy Intelligent Transportation Systems sulution, smart city solution
  • Regular Speaker in Vietnam Web Submit, Vietnam Mobile Day, FPT Tech Day, …
  • Profile online:

course reviewers
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. Truong Anh Hoang - Program/Course Reviewer
Truong Anh Hoang photo
  • Blockchain Lab Lead, UET, VNU Hanoi
  • Associate Professor, VNU University of Engineering and Technology since 2007
  • Ph.D dissertation defended in University of Bergen, Norway in 2006, after four years of study about type systems for abstract component languages
  • More than 15 years of experiences in software development, for mobile, Linux, Windows, and web platforms using C/C++, VB, C#, Python, JavaScript, among others in many companies including Punch Entertainment, Olivetti, Getronics, MITEC
  • Profile online: 

Ph.D. Dang Minh Tuan - Program Reviewer
  • Blockchain Lab Lead, Lecturer at Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT)
  • Vice President, FINTEC CLUB/Vietnamese Banking Association
  • Lead of Sub-Committee for National IT Standard SC35
  • Vietkey Application Creator
  • More than 30 years of experiences in software development and information security
  • Online Profile:

M.S. Nguyen Anh Tu - Program Reviewer
  • Tomochain Lead Engineer § Seasoned engineer working in Blockchain and Cloud Computing.
  • Authorized Developer of Apache Software Foundation, Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
  • Lead engineer of multiple cloud computing open-source softwares (kubeless, kubeapps, kompose, kubewatch).
  • Master degree in Distributed Systems, Switzerland.
  • Online profile:
